Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update and hello

Hi to everyone - it's been a long time since I've sat down to update my blog.  We've had a rough summer-fall this year.  My mother who is 80 years old has Alzeihmer's and lives with us.  To say that it's been awful is an understatement.  I have not been able to devote any time towards the coats and now it's my busy season and I've turned down so many requests and feel terrible about it.  I just don't have time towards anything these days but I do have a good inventory of coats left so hopefully some of them will find the right dog and the right fit!  Janey Mac and Uly are both doing fine and they are wonderful and our helping me cope daily.  I'm also a dog walker - sitter and have been very busy with that part of the job and have more dogs to happily look after on a daily basis.  Too bad I can't cloth them at the same time but that will have to wait for now.  I was able to find a couple of coats for my new buddy that I look after daily called Felix.  He's an adorable little white and cream coloured Havanese.  My lab buddy and a few more bigger dogs will have to wait but thankfully I do have a good supply of big dog coats.  The only good news that I have to share with everyone is that Janey Mac and Ulysses have 3 feline buddies to spend their days with.  Three male cats adopted from the Humane Society called Edward, Percy and Bubba Louis.  The fit was so perfect it was a relief to have something fun in this time of turmoil for our family and the children love the cats who spend a great deal of time sleeping in their rooms and playing with them.  Laser mouse tag and feathers on a fishing pole our good stress busters for everyone.  Animals are amazing in the love they give to their families. 

Take care and I hope to be able to put coats back on the blog and for my furry friends!! 

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